Monday, February 28, 2011

First Assignment

Here are the designs I came up with for the first assignment. I can print hard copies just let me know if you want them or not.I used Adobe Illustrator for most of them but did some editing in Photoshop for the pictures.

My last one that I did (which is one of my favorites) will not upload. I've compressed it, tried it as a jpg, pgn, and gip file, and it just keeps failing. So I'll show it to you next time I see you or I can e-mail it to you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Progress on Flier

So I've started designing and advertisement flier. I have a prototype I'm not sure if I like it well enough yet. Below is my process and where I'm at with it.  Comments and suggestions are welcome!

I started with this picture that I took a couple years ago atUtah Lake. I opened it in photoshop

I just did a generic edit - color, saturation, exposure, and pixel cleanup. I changed the color scheme to Bitmap (only black and white colors are used in this mode.) Then I adjusted the tones until the shadows and highlights were doing what I wanted. I added the black and white border by subtracting a portion of the picture and filling it with white. The edge has a white stroke line.
I added text in InDesign, just because there are more options for the formatting of text in that program. This is what I have so far. It would be printed on glossy paper and be roughly 5x10. It's pretty simple, and if it is too simple then let me know.
I'll keep playing with some other designs.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Hi Mark,
So I already had a blogger account so it was easiest to use it. I added a bot so you should get a txt/e-mail any time I post on here. I'm starting on the advertising handout (flier, brochure, business cards or some combination of these) and I'll just post my  progressions. Let me know if this doesn't work or you have suggestions.
Thanks, Chelsea